Howdy! My name is Kendra Vaughan and I am one of the Dyslexia Specialist here at Village! This is my 10th year at Village and my 19th year in education. I am a proud Member of the Fighting Texas Aggie Class of '04! Whoop! My husband and I both work in education and stay busy with our 2 boys, Aiden (15) and Keegan (10). I have a heart for teaching and guiding students to read with fluency and write with confidence as they strive for greatness! If you have any questions about our awesome Dyslexia Program or ways to help your student's reading improve, please reach out to me!
Hi! I am a Dyslexia specialist at Village Elementary. This is my fist year at Village, and my twentieth year as an educator. I have taught 3rd through 5th grade, Gifted & Talented, and Art! I am a proud graduate of Freso State University! Go dogs! My wife is also an educator in Georgetown, and together, we have three amazing children (one in middle school and two in high school). I am excited to join Village this year as a stingray! Reach out to me if you have any questions.
Mi nombre es Mrs. Martha Mercadante. Nací y crecí en la ciudad de México. Estoy casada y tengo 2 hijos.
My name is Mrs. Mercadante. Born and raised in Mexico City. I am married and have 2 sons.
He sido maestra de lenguaje dual por más de doce años y este año escolar estaré trabajando como Especialista en Dislexia. Estoy segura de que tendremos un año excelente. Sé que con su apoyo e interés, tendremos un año exitoso. / I have taught Dual Language at GISD for over twelve years. This year I will be working as a Dyslexia Specialist. We will keep you informed about everything that is happening in our class. Lets have an amazing year!
Me gradué del Tecnológico de Monterrey como Licenciada en Administración de Empresas. Después terminé mi certificación como maestra junto con la maestría de Educación Bilingüe en la Universidad de Texas en El Paso, Texas. Estoy certificada como maestra de EC-4 y LOTE EC-12 en Español. / I graduated from Tecnologico de Monterrey with a Businness Degree. I received my Teacher Certification and Masters in Bilingual Education from the University of Texas in El Paso, TX. I am certified as an EC-4 and Lote Spanish EC-12.
Correo Electrónico:
Teléfono: 512-943-5140 -Ext: 7451
Conference Time: 2:20 - 3:00 pm daily
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