- Arrival- Doors will open at 7:30 for students each day. Upon arrival, students should report to the hallway near their classroom, or to the cafeteria if they are eating breakfast. The first bell will ring at 7:45 with the Tardy Bell ringing at 7:50. Please make every effort to have your child at school by the 7:50 tardy bell.
- Visitors and Signing In- Texas law requires all visitors to sign in at the office. This policy will be strictly enforced throughout the day. Anytime you plan to be on campus, you must first report to the office, sign in, and obtain a visitor's badge. All classroom visits and conferences must be pre-arranged with the teacher. Lunch, homework, or any other deliveries will be accepted in the office to minimize disruptions. Office staff will happily take items to the classrooms as needed.
- Volunteering- State law requires that all public school volunteers complete a background check before volunteering at a school. If you plan to help during the school year, please complete an application for a background check. These are available on-line at the GISD website
- Lunch/Breakfast Money- Please go to the cafeteria before school to pay for your child's meals. You may also pay online through the GISD website.
- Emergency Contacts and change of plans- Make sure we have updated information on how to reach you and your emergency contacts throughout the year. If the information changes, let the office or your child’s teacher know.
- Change of Plans- If you need to change the way your child is going home, you should send a note to the teacher on the day of the change or call the office. Phone calls of this nature MUST be made before 2:15pm. The office cannot guarantee a message will get to your child if the call is made too close to dismissal. Only individuals designated on your child’s emergency list will be allowed to pick up your child from school unless we have written or verbal permission from you.
- Dismissal- Pre-K, Kinder, and first graders will begin dismissal at 3:05. Second, third, fourth, and fifth graders will be dismissed at 3:10. All parents picking up walkers should wait across the street from the front porch. Students will be escorted across the crosswalk to meet their parents. Parents parking their car and walking to pick up students should follow the above procedure. Car riders will wait on the front porch for their name to be called to one of six stations. Staff will open the doors and help students into their cars. Please do not pull out until all the cars in front of you have loaded.
- Parking- Parking is a challenge at Village, but please do not leave an unattended vehicle parked along the front of the building at any time. This is a fire lane and must be kept clear for emergency vehicles.
- Birthdays- Birthdays are special times for students and we do allow parents to provide a birthday treat for their child’s class during recess. A parent or adult should be present to serve the homeroom class. Please work with your child's teacher to address any classroom food allergy concerns.
- Attendance- Students are required to attend school every day unless they are sick. Please call or email the school if your child will be out.
- Please be familiar with the GISD Code of Conduct. We expect all students to behave in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner while at school.
Thank you for all you do to help make your child's experience at Village a positive one!